Memorable Results Media

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How to Capture Positive Publicity for Your Business

Do you wear all the hats in your business?

Are you the CEO, CCO, CFO, CTO, HR, over business development and in your free time try to advertise on social media?

Do you ever feel stuck in your marketing and publicity efforts?

Do you wonder how to get more traffic to your business?

Are you secretly scared you to lose the business? 

Whether you can relate with one or all of those sentences, don’t lose heart.

Positive publicity IS your friend and it’s not scary. 

So, why does your business need positive publicity?

1 | You have something the marketplace needs.

Your business fills a void.

You don’t just sell clothing, jewelry, makeup, fishing lures or help with websites and social media.

You are helping women feel beautiful and dress their body well. You are helping men bring home ‘the big one’ -or better yet- you’re giving them some of the best fishing tales for years to come! You are helping businesses who are technically challenged leave their mark on this world. Without publicity, how would anyone know your business exists?

2 | You have a unique story that only you can tell.

What is that unique story at the heart of your business that needs to be told?

Every business has one and when told genuinely and from the heart, it makes your business relatable. 

3 | You want to boost sales.

I’ve saved the obvious one for last. Nothing wrong with that!

Going live on social media is a tool just like spotlights in local magazines, newspapers, radio and local television - all are great boosts. In television, if you are seeking out a morning show or coverage of any sort, make it about the viewer. What can the viewer learn from you?

There’s no one right way to get positive publicity for your business. Getting positive publicity for your business can come in different forms. I’ve pulled together 6 easy strategies you can get started on today. Grab your copy of my free positive publicity checklist below!

Ready to goal get ‘em? Let’s do this!

See this content in the original post

Need help with a press release or brainstorming an idea, hit reply! I’m here for you. 

Memorable Results Media regularly comes alongside small businesses as a guide in supporting business owners craft their own roadmap. If this sounds like a great idea but you are at maximum capacity, drop me an email at

To your success!

Keywords: strategic planning business | strategic planning basics | strategic planning brainstorming questions | strategic planning document | strategic planning exercises | strategic planning guide | strategic planning goals | strategic planning ideas | media consulting | media connection | small business media | memorable results media | small business marketing | marketing strategy | marketing consulting | newsroom | broadcast media | print media