What Is a Press Release, Why It Is a Must For Businesses, & How It Will Give You a Quick Win

If you’re not sending press releases about your business, it’s time to start.

I know what you’re thinking. I don’t have time to write and even if I did, what would I say? Don’t worry, this is easy. 

Let’s start with “what is a press release?”

Sometimes referred to as a news release, in short it is a high level announcement which includes a couple of quotes from the business owner. If you’re a mom, think in terms of a birth announcement. Hit the high points. Typically they are a page to a page and a half in length. Keep it simple and concise.

They contain 7 components: your business logo, a memorable headline (title), dateline, body of the release, 3 hash marks (#) to indicate the release is finished, a boilerplate and your contact information.

Stay with me. I’ve done the work for you. 

The next step is figuring out what to say.

I once was told if you can speak, you can write. No need for fancy, formal language. Write conversational. While they do follow a certain format, you as the business owner want to answer the 5 Ws and H. Who, what, when, where, why and how.

Here’s are a few circumstances where a press release would be beneficial:

Brag on your brand. What award did your business win? When is your business's grand opening; opening a second location? Many businesses make donations to local nonprofits. This is always a reason to write and send a release. Are you having an event? Get the word out. 

Releases show your business is credible. Releases establish credibility, period. They are a terrific tool when pitching to local journalists. Structure the release in such a way that makes the reporter want to cover your story! 

Releases provide positive publicity. Media can’t cover what they don’t know. Double check spelling and grammar before sending. They may not be able to cover your story but they sure won’t if they don’t know about it. 

Releases boost SEO. If for no other reason than to rank higher in Google, write a release, create a newsroom tab on the website and put it there.

(Want to get more ideas? Check out the freebie below for 15 newsworthy story ideas!)

Now that I’ve got your attention… let’s discuss. So what does a press release look like, you ask?

Check out the three examples below for press releases I have written for clients.

Notice the key details all three have:

  • Title

  • Location

  • Date

  • About your business

  • Contact info for further questions

How does a press release help your business and why is it a must?

Because. Not all media attention requires an ad budget.

By sending press releases businesses get the attention of local papers, radio and tv stations.

Here’s the win!

Often media outlets will publicize the business’s ‘news’. The readers, listeners, viewers now know or are reminded of your business. This simple reminder to the public translates into more customers and ultimately more revenue. 


Ready to write your own? I’ve got you.

In general it should take a half hour or less to write a release. You might be thinking, that’s easy for you Michelle, you do this for a living.

Get access to MY press release template. I use it every time I send one for my business or for a client’s business. Use the format, modify it for your business and hit send.

If it still sounds daunting, I am always happy to do it for you.


No one likes the feeling of wandering aimlessly.

Memorable Results Media regularly comes alongside small businesses as a guide in supporting business owners craft their own roadmap. If this sounds like a great idea but you are at maximum capacity, drop me an email at michelle@memorableresultsmedia.com

I’d love to hear from you!


Keywords: press release announcement | how to write press release sample | what's a news release | what’s a news release | press release process | press release examples | press release template | press release for immediate release | press release for small business | media consulting | media connection | small business media | memorable results media | small business marketing | marketing strategy | marketing consulting | newsroom | broadcast media | print media


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