Memorable Results Media

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How to Promote YOUR Business {On Any Budget!}

You do not have to have a massive budget to promote your business.

There are several ways to promote. Not all cost money.  Let me share a few ways to fit any budget.

So, what is promotion?

Think of it as an investment in future sales. Promotion is telling the market place what your business has to offer. A service, a product, an event. The way you promote your business entices your customers to buy. At the end of the day, isn’t that what we as business owners want, an increase in sales and revenue?

If your business has an advertising budget:

Promotion could look like online, digital ads. Using traditional media, in the form of advertising in print or commercials. Remember, just because you might not read the paper, listen to the radio or watch tv doesn’t mean your ideal customer doesn’t.

If your business does not have an advertising budget:

Don’t be discouraged. Social media is a great tool, one I expect you are using to its fullest. There’s also email marketing. Remember the customers on your email list WANT to be on YOUR list! You can sell to that list, offer promotions to that list … coupon codes, one time offers, special incentives. Of course my favorite way for promoting products, events, and services is through a press release and media pitch. These are all free! The cost is your time in putting the release and pitch together. The cost of time though can have a remarkable payout if the media does a story on your business or event.

Why not go after free advertisements rather than spend thousands of dollars? I know I would!

They say it takes 7 times, at least, for a person to see something before it sticks.

Even more times to stop the scroll.

Promotion isn’t necessarily a one and done.

Try them all.

See which one works best. You no doubt will have success with a couple of different methods. From going live in your feed, to dancing around the room, showing the latest and greatest in a reel, sending a press release or writing a check for a production team to create a showstopping commercial; remember you are making an investment in future sales! 

See this content in the original post

Ready to get some free promotion? I’ve got you.

Use my press release template, if you need help putting together a memorable press release. Grab a copy here.

No one likes the feeling of wandering aimlessly.

Memorable Results Media regularly comes alongside small businesses as a guide in supporting business owners craft their own roadmap. If this sounds like a great idea but you are at maximum capacity, drop me an email at

I’d love to hear from you!

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