Memorable Results Media

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Summertime is the BEST for Media Connections

Why is the summertime a good time for small businesses to get recognized in their local media?

Let me share a story of a local clothing boutique run as a nonprofit.

This small business donates their proceeds to other nonprofits in their town. The business is a resale shop in need of quality donations. The more donations they take in, the more they turn around & sell, allowing them to give away more. Here’s the catch. Very few residents in town knows this business exists. To make matters even harder, no one outside the town knows about the business either. Growing their social media following is slow. Going into the summer, something needs to change. 

Maybe this story resonates with you, a small business owner.

Summertime is a tough time for local newsrooms; broadcast (television/radio) and print (newspapers/magazines). People are on vacation, school is out & the news cycle slows down. Sometimes stories that would otherwise not get a second look are covered due to lack of regular content.

This can be a treasure trove for small businesses.

Pitching correctly can yield an increase in customers & profits.

  • When to pitch is as important as what you pitch:

  • Remember the summer holidays, especially for local television.

  • In store events, anniversary promotions & in southern climates a taste of fall clothing can all be hooks for coverage.

  • Offer to be available on the holiday itself. Businesses who are willing to sacrifice a few hours on any holiday reap rewards. 

Remember that local boutique? After successful appearances on local television (including a Memorial Day segment) they saw a dramatic increase in their reach, immediately. Customers from as far as 60 miles away came to shop the business. Which ultimately has allowed them to donate thousands of dollars to other nonprofits in their community.

Positive publicity works! 

Looking for the answers NOW?

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Whether you are looking for help when it comes to pitching or you would rather leave the pitching to a professional, drop an email to